Posted by: ad65shorty | May 24, 2011

Snake Snack

coral snake snacks

the inspiration!

I got this idea from Amy at Super Healthy Kids. My Kindergartner had to do an animal report this month, and he chose a snake. We enjoyed learning all kinds of fun things about snakes, including a trip to the museum, where he had the chance to touch a snake and tell his class about it! When we came across this snake snack idea on Super Healthy Kids, I knew it would be something my son would want to do! So, with permission from his teacher, we set about making a snake snack to go along with his report for class. The kids thought it was the greatest!

our take on the coral snake snack

We made a couple of changes to the snake. My son liked the picture of the coral snake snack on Super Healthy Kids, but noticed that the real coral snake had black, but the snake snack did not. He wanted to incorporate that. My original plan was to buy black frosting, but when we got to the store, we saw dark chocolate frosting. I bought it ’cause it was cheaper! We used the frosting as the “glue” to hold the snake parts together instead of the toothpicks, as Amy suggests. It worked well. His teacher thought it was Nutella, which I think is a great idea! And I was also thinking you could use sliced purple grapes for the black stripes, if you wanted to keep the snack completely healthy. My son wanted to use licorice (the pull ‘n peel kind) for the tongue so it could split, like a real snake’s, and he asked if I could make the snakes curvy. And I just used the chocolate frosting for the eyes. We also laid the snakes on a bed of “grass” (or coconut dyed green). My son thought it was the coolest thing he’d ever seen, and the kids enjoyed the snack in the middle of the school day! 🙂

close-up of face

Thanx, Amy, for the fabulous idea! It was a hit!! 🙂


  1. Love it Angee. Thanks for sharing. The nutella sounds delicious!

  2. Looks awesome! I was thinking “Nutella” too before you mentioned it. I’ll have to try this! My kids would love it!

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