Posted by: ad65shorty | January 5, 2010

Snow Ice Cream

One thing we love to do in the winter is make snow ice cream! This recipe is very forgiving and the variations are endless, which is what makes it so fun!

sorry the picture is dark

Snow Ice Cream Recipe:

4-5 cups fresh snow (always make sure you have snow falling awhile before you collect snow for ice cream so you know it will be clean and free from contaminates)

1 cup milk (any kind is fine, but the thicker the milk, the thicker the ice cream)

1/2 tsp vanilla

1/2 cup sugar

Mix together. You can add more sugar or vanilla, according to your tastes. If it becomes too runny, simply add more snow. You can also add mashed bananas, chocolate or strawberry syrup, coconut, whatever you like!

(There are many variations of snow ice cream on the internet that you can look up. This is one we’ve created on our own through the years; it’s simple, which is what we like!)

(orginally posted at Blissfully Domestic)

Real snow cones are also fun!

snow ice cream with snow cone flavoring

Collect a bunch of snow. You can buy commerical made snow cone syrup, or you can make your own:

Combine a Kool-aid packet with a cup of water and 1 1/2 cups of sugar. Mix until sugar is mostly dissolved. Pour over the snow. Yum!

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