Posted by: ad65shorty | September 23, 2009

Put on a Puppet Show

Remember these? Today, use them to create a puppet show! We’re going to create a script together, practice lots, and put on our show for our daddy tonite when he gets home! He’ll love it!

If you’re not up to being creative, play “house” with your kids. Even little boys enjoy re-enacting what goes on at home. And you’ll learn more about your role as a mother than you ever thought possible! 🙂


Okay, so I presented this idea to my kids on Tuesday. My son, in particular, was SO EXCITED! He worked really hard on his puppets and completed two. Tomorrow, he wants to complete the other two and create his own script for the puppet show. So, this has turned into a week-long project instead of a day craft, and the other activities have gone by the wayside. Love it!!


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